The re-entry has been easier this year. We had the wonderful benefit of sleep on the flight out of Dar es Salaam. We each had three seats to stretch out on! We went shopping a few days after our return and it wasn’t the overwhelming experience we had last year. Maybe we are getting adapted to this.
We have had wonderful news since we are back. The Tanzania Agriculture Productivity Program (TAPP) organization went out to a meeting of the Datoga/Hadzabe (DAHA) group and presented moringa. These are people who have not farmed in the past, but they are excited about the potential of moringa. Perhaps as hunter/gatherers, the idea of a tree with so much to offer is not so foreign. Two village members offered three acres of land to get the project started. This is the kind of local commitment that is necessary for these efforts to work, so we are very happy about that.
WellShare sponsors a marathon in Karatu to fight malaria every April which has been taking a lot of their time. Now that it is over, they will be able to focus again on the income projects we’ve developed. The chickens that we promised to one village are on the way, thanks to our donors and another village will be getting a sewing machine.
Here in Minneapolis, WellShare has asked us to participate in fund raising efforts and a board retreat in May. There will also be a phone call to the organization in California that visited us in Karatu. They have assured us again that they want to provide funding, so we will talk about what they are willing to support and how to proceed. We are hoping this will result in the financial stability to continue some of WellShare’s important work in Karatu once the USAID project ends in September. We are also looking for additional supporters. If any of you have ideas about foundations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) or individuals who can make significant contributions, please let us know.
When we first looked into doing this kind of work we didn’t know what to expect, but we never would have imagined the kind of challenging, fulfilling experience we have had. We have learned a lot about development, Africa and Tanzania, and the challenges of living in a developing country. We have seen the problems but also the assets that reside in these cultures and it is wonderful to see the energy and enthusiasm that these people bring to opportunities to improve their lives. We hope we can return and continue our work and relationships there.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Emotional Conflict
Now the hard part. Just like last year we don’t want to leave/we want to be home. Since we can’t be two places at once, we’ll have to get on the plane this Tuesday. Leaving will be hard.
The last two years when we arrived in January, it took us about 15 minutes to feel comfortable here again. Last year when we returned to Minnesota and our wonderful life, it took about a month to adjust. Very curious.
The last two weeks have been very satisfying. We’ve solidified our partnership with Tanzania Agricultural Productivity Program (TAPP). They will deliver the basic agricultural materials our target population wants. These include seeds, fertilizer, and drip irrigation, plus critical education on propagation, uses and eventual sales of high value crops. The centerpiece will be moringa, the remarkable trees we have been investigating.
TAPP is a strong advocate for moringa because of its nutritional value for humans and animals, its ability as a legume to improve soil, the potential for commercial sales and its surprising ability to purify water. Our focus last week was in the southern part of the district (which has a history of cholera outbreaks); villagers are excited about moringa. The enthusiasm for a new crop has surprised us. Although moringa won’t be a substitute for current crops, it is still very difficult for a farmer to risk raising something new (if it fails his/her family may starve). The seeds are known for their traditional medicinal properties, but few know of moringa’s other benefits.
TAPP will at first focus on WellShare’s Survive and Thrive Groups (STGs). As mentioned in previous postings, these consist of young single mothers without adequate educations or income-generating skills. The objective of starting the STGs was to provide health education to improve health through pregnancy, delivery and child rearing as well as improving newborn health. An additional challenge these women face is their financial survival. Karatu is a tourist area with many guest houses, restaurants and bars. Young women often are attracted to town jobs since they usually have no means of support in the village, but the move can lead to prostitution and abandonment of their children (“orphans”). The group members are excited about agricultural techniques that can provide improved nutrition and an opportunity to earn money.
On another trip to the field, Sharon and staff headed out to visit villages that have VICOBA micro savings groups. WellShare created a relationship with this organization after they caught our attention last year. Facilitators deliver comprehensive financial literacy training. The program is for one year, with 16 weekly meetings followed by monthly sessions. Materials are culturally sensitive and allow for language variations and even illiteracy. Most importantly, the program is completely free, and all money stays in the villages.
Unfortunately, true to form, Sharon got her usual village food reaction and had to leave. However, we left the camera and list of questions with the staff and they had wonderful results to report back. Four groups were started and universally the women were thrilled with the program. Each village had saved a remarkable amount of money in only 9 months, and all had taken loans and paid them back. Some had used the money for agriculture, others for opening shops or restaurants. All have made a profit and want to continue once the first year ends.
Others in these villages also want VICOBA groups. (Sharon stopped at one village last week that had a different micro savings program, but they want VICOBA because, as they said, “it works”. They specifically mentioned the extensive, high-quality training.) The women in this area would not have gotten this program without the help of WellShare; VICOBA had no plans to be in this area because of the distances and awful roads.
We take a great deal of satisfaction in having discovered VICOBA, TAPP and moringa; we see how they are transforming lives in this very poor part of Tanzania, and will continue to do so. While there is still much work that needs to be done to expand these programs, we have a very capable staff person who will follow up after we leave. It is easier to depart when we know things will not come to a halt once we get on that plane. Moringa has also become an innovative cornerstone of WellShare’s new grant proposal to USAID for a program in western Tanzania.
We could not have done this work without WellShare’s wonderful support and willingness to let us explore options. And, we have lots of work to do when we return to Minnesota. We would like to see the programs continued in this district after September when the USAID phase of the project officially ends. We are returning full of ideas and data with hopes of successfully submitting some grant requests to other NGOs, foundations and individuals to support continuing this important work. If anyone knows of possible funders, please let us know!
Again, we must say “kwaheri sasa” (goodbye for now) Tanzania. We will miss you!
The last two years when we arrived in January, it took us about 15 minutes to feel comfortable here again. Last year when we returned to Minnesota and our wonderful life, it took about a month to adjust. Very curious.
The last two weeks have been very satisfying. We’ve solidified our partnership with Tanzania Agricultural Productivity Program (TAPP). They will deliver the basic agricultural materials our target population wants. These include seeds, fertilizer, and drip irrigation, plus critical education on propagation, uses and eventual sales of high value crops. The centerpiece will be moringa, the remarkable trees we have been investigating.
TAPP is a strong advocate for moringa because of its nutritional value for humans and animals, its ability as a legume to improve soil, the potential for commercial sales and its surprising ability to purify water. Our focus last week was in the southern part of the district (which has a history of cholera outbreaks); villagers are excited about moringa. The enthusiasm for a new crop has surprised us. Although moringa won’t be a substitute for current crops, it is still very difficult for a farmer to risk raising something new (if it fails his/her family may starve). The seeds are known for their traditional medicinal properties, but few know of moringa’s other benefits.
TAPP will at first focus on WellShare’s Survive and Thrive Groups (STGs). As mentioned in previous postings, these consist of young single mothers without adequate educations or income-generating skills. The objective of starting the STGs was to provide health education to improve health through pregnancy, delivery and child rearing as well as improving newborn health. An additional challenge these women face is their financial survival. Karatu is a tourist area with many guest houses, restaurants and bars. Young women often are attracted to town jobs since they usually have no means of support in the village, but the move can lead to prostitution and abandonment of their children (“orphans”). The group members are excited about agricultural techniques that can provide improved nutrition and an opportunity to earn money.
On another trip to the field, Sharon and staff headed out to visit villages that have VICOBA micro savings groups. WellShare created a relationship with this organization after they caught our attention last year. Facilitators deliver comprehensive financial literacy training. The program is for one year, with 16 weekly meetings followed by monthly sessions. Materials are culturally sensitive and allow for language variations and even illiteracy. Most importantly, the program is completely free, and all money stays in the villages.
Unfortunately, true to form, Sharon got her usual village food reaction and had to leave. However, we left the camera and list of questions with the staff and they had wonderful results to report back. Four groups were started and universally the women were thrilled with the program. Each village had saved a remarkable amount of money in only 9 months, and all had taken loans and paid them back. Some had used the money for agriculture, others for opening shops or restaurants. All have made a profit and want to continue once the first year ends.
Others in these villages also want VICOBA groups. (Sharon stopped at one village last week that had a different micro savings program, but they want VICOBA because, as they said, “it works”. They specifically mentioned the extensive, high-quality training.) The women in this area would not have gotten this program without the help of WellShare; VICOBA had no plans to be in this area because of the distances and awful roads.
We take a great deal of satisfaction in having discovered VICOBA, TAPP and moringa; we see how they are transforming lives in this very poor part of Tanzania, and will continue to do so. While there is still much work that needs to be done to expand these programs, we have a very capable staff person who will follow up after we leave. It is easier to depart when we know things will not come to a halt once we get on that plane. Moringa has also become an innovative cornerstone of WellShare’s new grant proposal to USAID for a program in western Tanzania.
We could not have done this work without WellShare’s wonderful support and willingness to let us explore options. And, we have lots of work to do when we return to Minnesota. We would like to see the programs continued in this district after September when the USAID phase of the project officially ends. We are returning full of ideas and data with hopes of successfully submitting some grant requests to other NGOs, foundations and individuals to support continuing this important work. If anyone knows of possible funders, please let us know!
Again, we must say “kwaheri sasa” (goodbye for now) Tanzania. We will miss you!
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Safari Njema (a good journey)
This last week we had a wonderful journey, filled with fascinating events and great animal viewing.
Up until recently, most of our time has been filled with the following activities:
•Finding the best agricultural training and resources through partnerships with other organizations for the Survive and Thrive Groups (STGs) WellShare has created.
•Developing proposals for alternative or additional funding to expand the STG program, and address the challenges of the Hadzabe (the last hunting-gathering community in east Africa).
Lately we have added assisting where we can on WellShare’s new proposal to USAID for funding. The current project here in Karatu officially ends September 30. The goals have been met and continued funding here from the U.S. government isn’t possible. (That is the reason we are looking for alternative funding mentioned above; a scaled-back, low-cost effort here in Karatu could build on the successes of the last five years and have a big impact.)
The new USAID proposal is for Bariadi, a district west of Serengeti National Park and near Lake Victoria. Funding is very competitive, so the grant application has to outline innovative programs. The brainstorming sessions and draft writing have been very interesting.
To have credibility, the proposal has to be supported by the local government, and so we headed west with Jolene to find that support. To get there and back we had to go through the Serengeti, an area about the size of Connecticut. The animal viewing was amazing – lions, zebra, cape buffalo, wildebeest, giraffe (two kinds), impala, Thompson’s and Grant’s gazelles, topi, waterbuck, baboon, vervet monkey, elephant, hippo, warthog, vultures, jackal, hartebeest, mongoose, along with ostrich, white stork, hornbill, secretary bird, ground hornbill, and many more birds. We saw tens of thousands of animals!
Throughout the drive Jolene was reminding us she had never seen a cheetah (hard to find) or a leopard (very hard to find). This has been a running joke over the last three years. As we were driving, a cat walked across the road. Because of the lighting, it appeared to be a lion, but when it got to the other side, we could see its spots. It continued to stalk something in the tall grass and was hard to see. There was a nearby tree and Sharon was hoping it would climb it, which it did! Then it proceeded to relax on a limb and stare at us! This was a beautiful leopard, and a thrill to see.

The serious work was revising the presentation, and the meetings with government officials. We were thrilled that the main meeting included all the district leadership, including the district executive officer and the lead officers for health, planning, education and agriculture. They are completely supportive to the ideas Jolene presented. The visits were a complete success. This gives Jolene what she needs to help sell the ideas to Tanzania national government officials.
There are many challenges in this district. It is very hot, being at a lower altitude, and the malaria risk is higher. Many men have 6-10 wives (pastoralists with many animals might have 20!). The average number of births per woman is over 6 (we were told that when women marry, they agree to have a certain number of children, with men wanting large families). Not surprisingly poverty can result, leading to poor education and health. Both last year and this there have been cholera outbreaks (part of our proposal is to use seeds from moringa, the tree we have been investigating, to clarify and dramatically reduce bacteria). We interviewed a few local women and were shocked to learn they have no latrines in their village, people use the river and fields, and they don’t wash their hands. Dealing with these simple issues could dramatically improve the local health. There are precious few trained health workers in the district to address even the most curable problems, and this is where WellShare’s proposal is the most innovative and exciting.
The origination of working in this district came from a meeting between a priest and WellShare back in Minneapolis. Father Paul (79) is originally from Wisconsin but has lived in Africa for 50 years, mostly in Bariadi district. Over the years he has built and staffed an impressive clinical facility complete with an incredible manual file of all of his patients. The latest projects are a larger lab that will include a blood bank, along with housing for doctors/nurses. He is laying the groundwork now for a 150 bed hospital, returning to the U.S. this summer to raise funds. All the buildings are equipped with solar power for lighting and medical refrigerators. (Electricity is even more limited than in Karatu; the town of Bariadi has none between 10AM and 6PM). In addition, Father Paul is a wonderful host. There were comfortable rooms and great meals for us, including perhaps the best popcorn we have ever enjoyed. Father Paul has acted as his own contractor on his projects and has learned by doing along with his workers.
Besides Jolene we had two other travel companions – Kombo, our always-entertaining driver, and Amy, an emergency room doctor and WellShare volunteer. During our time we met a friend of Father Paul’s, Father John. In the “small world” department Amy and Father John discovered they have in common family roots from Dubuque, Iowa. The amazing coincidence is that Father John had dated Amy’s grandmother, including taking her to the high school prom!
Of course, we had to eat elsewhere besides Father Paul’s. We enjoyed wonderful fish dinners several nights, fresh from nearby Lake Victoria, the second largest freshwater lake in the world. We have never seen tilapia so large; it was served in slices and there must have been about five large pieces per fish. Our driver was happy to get his favorite, the head.
Roads in Tanzania can be punishing on vehicles, and especially on 16 year old Land Cruisers. Kombo worked minor miracles on this trip. We found out that when radiators start leaking, Serengeti drivers add tea leaves, which expand and reduce water loss. People here are very innovative.
During the Serengeti we stopped to help another vehicle with two flats, plus a flat spare from a previous incident. During our multiple stops to deal with the radiator, invariably others made certain we were alright before going on. Driving in wild animal country with only one place for repairs in an expanse the size of Connecticut requires everyone to help.
We are having a wonderful time!
Up until recently, most of our time has been filled with the following activities:
•Finding the best agricultural training and resources through partnerships with other organizations for the Survive and Thrive Groups (STGs) WellShare has created.
•Developing proposals for alternative or additional funding to expand the STG program, and address the challenges of the Hadzabe (the last hunting-gathering community in east Africa).
Lately we have added assisting where we can on WellShare’s new proposal to USAID for funding. The current project here in Karatu officially ends September 30. The goals have been met and continued funding here from the U.S. government isn’t possible. (That is the reason we are looking for alternative funding mentioned above; a scaled-back, low-cost effort here in Karatu could build on the successes of the last five years and have a big impact.)
The new USAID proposal is for Bariadi, a district west of Serengeti National Park and near Lake Victoria. Funding is very competitive, so the grant application has to outline innovative programs. The brainstorming sessions and draft writing have been very interesting.
To have credibility, the proposal has to be supported by the local government, and so we headed west with Jolene to find that support. To get there and back we had to go through the Serengeti, an area about the size of Connecticut. The animal viewing was amazing – lions, zebra, cape buffalo, wildebeest, giraffe (two kinds), impala, Thompson’s and Grant’s gazelles, topi, waterbuck, baboon, vervet monkey, elephant, hippo, warthog, vultures, jackal, hartebeest, mongoose, along with ostrich, white stork, hornbill, secretary bird, ground hornbill, and many more birds. We saw tens of thousands of animals!
Throughout the drive Jolene was reminding us she had never seen a cheetah (hard to find) or a leopard (very hard to find). This has been a running joke over the last three years. As we were driving, a cat walked across the road. Because of the lighting, it appeared to be a lion, but when it got to the other side, we could see its spots. It continued to stalk something in the tall grass and was hard to see. There was a nearby tree and Sharon was hoping it would climb it, which it did! Then it proceeded to relax on a limb and stare at us! This was a beautiful leopard, and a thrill to see.

The serious work was revising the presentation, and the meetings with government officials. We were thrilled that the main meeting included all the district leadership, including the district executive officer and the lead officers for health, planning, education and agriculture. They are completely supportive to the ideas Jolene presented. The visits were a complete success. This gives Jolene what she needs to help sell the ideas to Tanzania national government officials.
There are many challenges in this district. It is very hot, being at a lower altitude, and the malaria risk is higher. Many men have 6-10 wives (pastoralists with many animals might have 20!). The average number of births per woman is over 6 (we were told that when women marry, they agree to have a certain number of children, with men wanting large families). Not surprisingly poverty can result, leading to poor education and health. Both last year and this there have been cholera outbreaks (part of our proposal is to use seeds from moringa, the tree we have been investigating, to clarify and dramatically reduce bacteria). We interviewed a few local women and were shocked to learn they have no latrines in their village, people use the river and fields, and they don’t wash their hands. Dealing with these simple issues could dramatically improve the local health. There are precious few trained health workers in the district to address even the most curable problems, and this is where WellShare’s proposal is the most innovative and exciting.
The origination of working in this district came from a meeting between a priest and WellShare back in Minneapolis. Father Paul (79) is originally from Wisconsin but has lived in Africa for 50 years, mostly in Bariadi district. Over the years he has built and staffed an impressive clinical facility complete with an incredible manual file of all of his patients. The latest projects are a larger lab that will include a blood bank, along with housing for doctors/nurses. He is laying the groundwork now for a 150 bed hospital, returning to the U.S. this summer to raise funds. All the buildings are equipped with solar power for lighting and medical refrigerators. (Electricity is even more limited than in Karatu; the town of Bariadi has none between 10AM and 6PM). In addition, Father Paul is a wonderful host. There were comfortable rooms and great meals for us, including perhaps the best popcorn we have ever enjoyed. Father Paul has acted as his own contractor on his projects and has learned by doing along with his workers.
Besides Jolene we had two other travel companions – Kombo, our always-entertaining driver, and Amy, an emergency room doctor and WellShare volunteer. During our time we met a friend of Father Paul’s, Father John. In the “small world” department Amy and Father John discovered they have in common family roots from Dubuque, Iowa. The amazing coincidence is that Father John had dated Amy’s grandmother, including taking her to the high school prom!
Of course, we had to eat elsewhere besides Father Paul’s. We enjoyed wonderful fish dinners several nights, fresh from nearby Lake Victoria, the second largest freshwater lake in the world. We have never seen tilapia so large; it was served in slices and there must have been about five large pieces per fish. Our driver was happy to get his favorite, the head.
Roads in Tanzania can be punishing on vehicles, and especially on 16 year old Land Cruisers. Kombo worked minor miracles on this trip. We found out that when radiators start leaking, Serengeti drivers add tea leaves, which expand and reduce water loss. People here are very innovative.
During the Serengeti we stopped to help another vehicle with two flats, plus a flat spare from a previous incident. During our multiple stops to deal with the radiator, invariably others made certain we were alright before going on. Driving in wild animal country with only one place for repairs in an expanse the size of Connecticut requires everyone to help.
We are having a wonderful time!
Saturday, February 26, 2011
A (Fake) Disaster
A (Fake) Disaster Strikes
On Wednesday another volunteer, Amy, an ER doctor, worked with the District Medical Officer to put together a mass casualty event. Health workers from the local hospital and clinic joined district staff and treated the “victims” (WellShare staff and volunteers, along with some of the medical participants) of an earthquake. There is an active volcano in the area and earthquakes do occur.
We had broken necks, ribs and limbs, concussions, sucking chest wounds, abdominal lacerations with spilling guts, anxiety reactions, injured babies and pregnant women. Everyone was made up appropriately and we were told how to respond when touched. It was quite a production. The medical people seemed to really get into it, which they should have since so many of us were screaming. There was a discussion afterwards about what was handled well and what needed improvement. Jolene gave out wonderful medical books that had been shipped by Books for Africa and people clearly valued them. Lunch was served. Amy is planning on leaving them with other scenarios so they can do more of these in the future.
An Educational Village Visit
On Friday, we were part of a wonderful event at Bassodawish. This is the local village that our friends Welcome Jerde and Dan Berg have adopted along with the 14 people who traveled with them last year to safari and do a service project in Bassodawish. When they left they asked the village what they could do to help. They were told, among other things, primary school uniforms and secondary school books. Since Welcome will not be back until next year, and the leaders of Bassodawish know we are friends, they invited us to be Mama Welcome’s representatives at a ceremony to distribute uniforms and books.
We were very honored to be there and know how much Welcome and Dan would have liked to accept these thanks in person. Bassodawish invited the ward chancellor and the district education officer so this was a very big deal. Since the officials were late, the primary and secondary children took turns singing songs for us. When everyone was present there were introductions and speeches. We told them we were honored to be there and that Mama Welcome and her Minnesota fiends said hello. (Mama Welcome na marafiki wanasema Hamjambo.) We told them we were so happy to see the children in their new uniforms and hoped they would take good care of them, but more importantly, that they would study hard. The village chairman charged the students and parents to take good care of these uniforms because there would be no more. For the books, we urged them to make good use of them and become leaders in their village and country.
Then proclamations were read in very good English, even by the primary school student. They said that they now also have benefactors from Belgium who were going to provide them with lab equipment for their new science building. This village is really making strides! It shows the power of good leadership. Now, they would like to get electricity and a water catchment system.
They provided us with printed copies of these statements of thanks to take to Mama Welcome. (I keep wanting to say Mama Karibu since that is welcome in Swahili.) Finally, a secondary teacher thanked us again for all the benefactors have done in their village. He had tears in his eyes. It was all very moving.
Jolene also presented secondary books on English, science, math and social studies for their community library which had been sent by Books for Africa.
It was a great afternoon.
And Other Activities
We have continued to work on ideas for proposals other than USAID. We would like to find some potential funders when we return, but we know money is tight in the non-profit world.
Sunday we leave for Bariadi. This is a area on the other side of the Serengeti, so hopefully we will see wildlife along the way. Bariadi is an area that WellShare is exploring for a new project. We will try to do some village surveys as we did here last year. It is a much poorer area, but they have better roads so it will be easier to get around. The population is much denser also; there are 200 villages rather than 48 and they are closer together. It will be interesting to see this area just south of Lake Victoria where we have never been.
On Wednesday another volunteer, Amy, an ER doctor, worked with the District Medical Officer to put together a mass casualty event. Health workers from the local hospital and clinic joined district staff and treated the “victims” (WellShare staff and volunteers, along with some of the medical participants) of an earthquake. There is an active volcano in the area and earthquakes do occur.
We had broken necks, ribs and limbs, concussions, sucking chest wounds, abdominal lacerations with spilling guts, anxiety reactions, injured babies and pregnant women. Everyone was made up appropriately and we were told how to respond when touched. It was quite a production. The medical people seemed to really get into it, which they should have since so many of us were screaming. There was a discussion afterwards about what was handled well and what needed improvement. Jolene gave out wonderful medical books that had been shipped by Books for Africa and people clearly valued them. Lunch was served. Amy is planning on leaving them with other scenarios so they can do more of these in the future.
An Educational Village Visit
On Friday, we were part of a wonderful event at Bassodawish. This is the local village that our friends Welcome Jerde and Dan Berg have adopted along with the 14 people who traveled with them last year to safari and do a service project in Bassodawish. When they left they asked the village what they could do to help. They were told, among other things, primary school uniforms and secondary school books. Since Welcome will not be back until next year, and the leaders of Bassodawish know we are friends, they invited us to be Mama Welcome’s representatives at a ceremony to distribute uniforms and books.
We were very honored to be there and know how much Welcome and Dan would have liked to accept these thanks in person. Bassodawish invited the ward chancellor and the district education officer so this was a very big deal. Since the officials were late, the primary and secondary children took turns singing songs for us. When everyone was present there were introductions and speeches. We told them we were honored to be there and that Mama Welcome and her Minnesota fiends said hello. (Mama Welcome na marafiki wanasema Hamjambo.) We told them we were so happy to see the children in their new uniforms and hoped they would take good care of them, but more importantly, that they would study hard. The village chairman charged the students and parents to take good care of these uniforms because there would be no more. For the books, we urged them to make good use of them and become leaders in their village and country.
Then proclamations were read in very good English, even by the primary school student. They said that they now also have benefactors from Belgium who were going to provide them with lab equipment for their new science building. This village is really making strides! It shows the power of good leadership. Now, they would like to get electricity and a water catchment system.
They provided us with printed copies of these statements of thanks to take to Mama Welcome. (I keep wanting to say Mama Karibu since that is welcome in Swahili.) Finally, a secondary teacher thanked us again for all the benefactors have done in their village. He had tears in his eyes. It was all very moving.
Jolene also presented secondary books on English, science, math and social studies for their community library which had been sent by Books for Africa.
It was a great afternoon.
And Other Activities
We have continued to work on ideas for proposals other than USAID. We would like to find some potential funders when we return, but we know money is tight in the non-profit world.
Sunday we leave for Bariadi. This is a area on the other side of the Serengeti, so hopefully we will see wildlife along the way. Bariadi is an area that WellShare is exploring for a new project. We will try to do some village surveys as we did here last year. It is a much poorer area, but they have better roads so it will be easier to get around. The population is much denser also; there are 200 villages rather than 48 and they are closer together. It will be interesting to see this area just south of Lake Victoria where we have never been.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Building Partnerships
We’ve finished up a very busy week.
While out in the field two weeks ago meeting with the Hadzabe and Datoga group, we videoed our interview with two teachers. This week we finished up a presentation DVD to complement the concept paper we wrote for a visiting NGO.
And, just in time. They came for a visit on Tuesday and it was quite Tanzanian. Their arrival was about three hours late because of heavy rains that allowed the mud road to hold fast to the wheels. They had to abandon one vehicle. The other was pulled out by tractors. Eventually their transport company brought in another vehicle and we were all together.
We visited the village of one of the best Survive and Thrive Groups (STG), an innovative effort by WellShare. The women started their income project by learning from Jolene how to make banana bread, a tricky proposition over the equivalent of a charcoal camping stove. The visiting NGO had been there last June and was impressed. The women now have a tea shop and served us lunch, including banana bread.
The reason for this return visit was to show their board members what a self-sustaining program looks like. When we visited them in California last December, they told us how impressive the June visit had been. The NGO is used to groups saying “if you give us money we can do…. Our STG didn’t. They simply said “we are going to do…”
And so, the development of the STG’s business impressed them more. Questions were asked:
1. “What do you do with the profits?” “We purchase vegetables to sell and earn even more.”
2. “Where do you sell your bread?” “We’ve moved beyond the confines of the shop to visiting other locations in the village and market days.”
3. “Are you experiencing any problems?” Frankly, we were now holding our collective breaths. Would they now ask for financial help and burst the self-sustaining bubble? The answer was no. “We have had theft problems. So, because the village loves our bread so much, they are giving us a building by the village office, along with the fruit tree and vegetable garden to expand our business.”
This is one example of building self-sustaining programs in the district.
As for obtaining funding from the NGO, we won’t know for several months, but we have a wonderful relationship and it looks promising.
As for our Moringa tree project, we’ve had additional developments that are critical to our effort. Tanzania Agriculture Productivity Program (TAPP) surprised us with a visit. We weren’t expecting them for several weeks, but they seem eager to get going. Another potential partner, Tanzania Horticulture Association called and asked for another meeting. It is likely they would only be involved if the Moringa project grows enough to be commercially viable, a long term goal.
Today we had a meeting with a Canadian NGO we highly respect, CPAR. The discussion centered around Farmer Field Schools (FFS), their main program here. Some of you have been very generous by contributing financially to this effort, and we hope to have something settled soon. We’ll let you know.
Also today, the group finished brainstorming on a proposal for USAID. The current funding for WellShare in Tanzania will finish September 30th, and it is time to again ask for support.
This has been a fascinating week for us.
While out in the field two weeks ago meeting with the Hadzabe and Datoga group, we videoed our interview with two teachers. This week we finished up a presentation DVD to complement the concept paper we wrote for a visiting NGO.
And, just in time. They came for a visit on Tuesday and it was quite Tanzanian. Their arrival was about three hours late because of heavy rains that allowed the mud road to hold fast to the wheels. They had to abandon one vehicle. The other was pulled out by tractors. Eventually their transport company brought in another vehicle and we were all together.
We visited the village of one of the best Survive and Thrive Groups (STG), an innovative effort by WellShare. The women started their income project by learning from Jolene how to make banana bread, a tricky proposition over the equivalent of a charcoal camping stove. The visiting NGO had been there last June and was impressed. The women now have a tea shop and served us lunch, including banana bread.
The reason for this return visit was to show their board members what a self-sustaining program looks like. When we visited them in California last December, they told us how impressive the June visit had been. The NGO is used to groups saying “if you give us money we can do…. Our STG didn’t. They simply said “we are going to do…”
And so, the development of the STG’s business impressed them more. Questions were asked:
1. “What do you do with the profits?” “We purchase vegetables to sell and earn even more.”
2. “Where do you sell your bread?” “We’ve moved beyond the confines of the shop to visiting other locations in the village and market days.”
3. “Are you experiencing any problems?” Frankly, we were now holding our collective breaths. Would they now ask for financial help and burst the self-sustaining bubble? The answer was no. “We have had theft problems. So, because the village loves our bread so much, they are giving us a building by the village office, along with the fruit tree and vegetable garden to expand our business.”
This is one example of building self-sustaining programs in the district.
As for obtaining funding from the NGO, we won’t know for several months, but we have a wonderful relationship and it looks promising.
As for our Moringa tree project, we’ve had additional developments that are critical to our effort. Tanzania Agriculture Productivity Program (TAPP) surprised us with a visit. We weren’t expecting them for several weeks, but they seem eager to get going. Another potential partner, Tanzania Horticulture Association called and asked for another meeting. It is likely they would only be involved if the Moringa project grows enough to be commercially viable, a long term goal.
Today we had a meeting with a Canadian NGO we highly respect, CPAR. The discussion centered around Farmer Field Schools (FFS), their main program here. Some of you have been very generous by contributing financially to this effort, and we hope to have something settled soon. We’ll let you know.
Also today, the group finished brainstorming on a proposal for USAID. The current funding for WellShare in Tanzania will finish September 30th, and it is time to again ask for support.
This has been a fascinating week for us.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Education has lately been big news in Tanzania. Only 50% of students in Form 4 passed national exams, down from 72% the previous year. What does that mean to them? What does it mean for the future of Tanzania?
First a little background. The grade levels here is heavily influenced by the British system. Primary school is seven years (Standard 1 through 7). All subjects in public schools are taught in Swahili, except English. Swahili is often a kid’s second language, the primary one being her/his tribal language. Private schools we have visited teach in English at all levels.
The next step is Ordinary (O) level, or secondary school (Form 1 through 4). If a kid’s progress isn’t interrupted (illness, family not being able to afford the fees, etc.), then she/he would be about 17 years old when finishing Form 4. Starting in Form 1, all classes are taught in English (for most their third language), except the one class of Swahili.
At the end of Form 4 students take national exams. This determines whether they can go on with their education. If they pass, the student goes on to Advanced (A) level for two years (Form 5 and 6). “A” level is similar to our junior college system. If the student fails the Form 4 test, there is virtually no chance to continue their education. The Form 4 exam is a BIG deal, with the exam itself and the grading controversial.
For example, we’ve been told by teachers of technical classes (physics, chemistry, math) that sometimes the questions are unsolvable, such as having missing or wrong data. Teachers have said that the grading can also be a problem, with wrong answers used for grading. Sometimes “trick” English is used. Results on these national exams can defy logic. There were kids who passed chemistry but failed all their other subjects. Chemistry is hard, especially since the test is administered in English. Swahili should be much easier, yet they didn’t even get a D.
The day the test results came out, it was almost impossible for us to get onto the internet, since that is how students find out what their future education will be. We talked with Tanzanians who are outraged that so many failed. There is talk of remarking the exams. It is a terrible situation because parents often sacrifice a lot to keep their kids in school. Now they see that this may have been in vain.
The reasons for the problem are being argued here, and if we ask, everyone has an opinion. For example, we talked with a very successful Tanzanian who has remarkable English. He comes from a poor background, but early in life decided English would be critical to his future. It was his good fortune to meet people who passed on books so he could practice and learn. He studied hard, and his father sold land to allow his son to go on. Now our friend is helping his younger siblings through school.
Our conversations are with Tanzanians whose English is very good, and we haven’t talked with a broad cross section of the people, so our information may not be representative. Within that group there is a strong desire to start with English in pre-school.
This is in part because Tanzania is a member of the East African Union (Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi), a group trying to come together to build their economic strength. Kenya and Uganda’s language for business and government is English. Rwanda has moved away from French and is now teaching in English. Without good English education, Tanzania could suffer.
In addition, the transition from all classes in Swahili to all classes in English starting at about age 14 is very difficult. We’ve met students whose English is at best rudimentary. And, how can they learn chemistry, biology or physics, which have a challenging vocabulary to start with?
There are other issues that will seem familiar to Americans – how to attract and develop the best into teaching, especially in hard to reach rural areas; how can school be made more affordable to the poor; how can enough quality materials be made available? We’ve been in many schools covering all ages, both public and private. Books are hardly ever seen, and those we have looked at are poorly done. Teachers don’t have proper materials. They are scheduled for 7 periods a day. Their pay is such they often seek other income opportunities to supplement their teacher’s pay, diverting their time away from the classroom.
As in the United States, there will be debates about what the best direction for education should be in Tanzania. It seems obvious that the English controversy is by no means the only issue. What seems clear to us is that Tanzanians know that eliminating the possibility for further education for half the 17 year olds here is a problem that must be addressed.
Today (Wednesday) is Eid al-Moulid, Mohammed’s birthday, a national holiday. The eastern part of the country is predominantly Muslim, while the further west you go Christianity becomes the majority religion, with native religions scattered throughout the country. We haven’t seen or heard any evidence of religious intolerance. Politically there are splits, including between Zanzibar and the mainland, but religion doesn’t seem to be a force in that divide.
There are more than 120 tribes in Tanzania, along with religious diversity, yet we find the people friendly and very accepting.
Education has lately been big news in Tanzania. Only 50% of students in Form 4 passed national exams, down from 72% the previous year. What does that mean to them? What does it mean for the future of Tanzania?
First a little background. The grade levels here is heavily influenced by the British system. Primary school is seven years (Standard 1 through 7). All subjects in public schools are taught in Swahili, except English. Swahili is often a kid’s second language, the primary one being her/his tribal language. Private schools we have visited teach in English at all levels.
The next step is Ordinary (O) level, or secondary school (Form 1 through 4). If a kid’s progress isn’t interrupted (illness, family not being able to afford the fees, etc.), then she/he would be about 17 years old when finishing Form 4. Starting in Form 1, all classes are taught in English (for most their third language), except the one class of Swahili.
At the end of Form 4 students take national exams. This determines whether they can go on with their education. If they pass, the student goes on to Advanced (A) level for two years (Form 5 and 6). “A” level is similar to our junior college system. If the student fails the Form 4 test, there is virtually no chance to continue their education. The Form 4 exam is a BIG deal, with the exam itself and the grading controversial.
For example, we’ve been told by teachers of technical classes (physics, chemistry, math) that sometimes the questions are unsolvable, such as having missing or wrong data. Teachers have said that the grading can also be a problem, with wrong answers used for grading. Sometimes “trick” English is used. Results on these national exams can defy logic. There were kids who passed chemistry but failed all their other subjects. Chemistry is hard, especially since the test is administered in English. Swahili should be much easier, yet they didn’t even get a D.
The day the test results came out, it was almost impossible for us to get onto the internet, since that is how students find out what their future education will be. We talked with Tanzanians who are outraged that so many failed. There is talk of remarking the exams. It is a terrible situation because parents often sacrifice a lot to keep their kids in school. Now they see that this may have been in vain.
The reasons for the problem are being argued here, and if we ask, everyone has an opinion. For example, we talked with a very successful Tanzanian who has remarkable English. He comes from a poor background, but early in life decided English would be critical to his future. It was his good fortune to meet people who passed on books so he could practice and learn. He studied hard, and his father sold land to allow his son to go on. Now our friend is helping his younger siblings through school.
Our conversations are with Tanzanians whose English is very good, and we haven’t talked with a broad cross section of the people, so our information may not be representative. Within that group there is a strong desire to start with English in pre-school.
This is in part because Tanzania is a member of the East African Union (Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi), a group trying to come together to build their economic strength. Kenya and Uganda’s language for business and government is English. Rwanda has moved away from French and is now teaching in English. Without good English education, Tanzania could suffer.
In addition, the transition from all classes in Swahili to all classes in English starting at about age 14 is very difficult. We’ve met students whose English is at best rudimentary. And, how can they learn chemistry, biology or physics, which have a challenging vocabulary to start with?
There are other issues that will seem familiar to Americans – how to attract and develop the best into teaching, especially in hard to reach rural areas; how can school be made more affordable to the poor; how can enough quality materials be made available? We’ve been in many schools covering all ages, both public and private. Books are hardly ever seen, and those we have looked at are poorly done. Teachers don’t have proper materials. They are scheduled for 7 periods a day. Their pay is such they often seek other income opportunities to supplement their teacher’s pay, diverting their time away from the classroom.
As in the United States, there will be debates about what the best direction for education should be in Tanzania. It seems obvious that the English controversy is by no means the only issue. What seems clear to us is that Tanzanians know that eliminating the possibility for further education for half the 17 year olds here is a problem that must be addressed.
Today (Wednesday) is Eid al-Moulid, Mohammed’s birthday, a national holiday. The eastern part of the country is predominantly Muslim, while the further west you go Christianity becomes the majority religion, with native religions scattered throughout the country. We haven’t seen or heard any evidence of religious intolerance. Politically there are splits, including between Zanzibar and the mainland, but religion doesn’t seem to be a force in that divide.
There are more than 120 tribes in Tanzania, along with religious diversity, yet we find the people friendly and very accepting.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Making Progress
It’s hard to believe we have been here four weeks already. There are now many volunteers here: two physicians, a young woman from Canada who is teaching English to a group of HIV positive women, and a Minnesota nutritionist who has been volunteering with WellShare in Uganda. She is waiting out the election there because the possibility of violence is always present during times like that.
We spent time this week putting together a slide show on the moringa tree for presentation to people in the villages. This will be translated by staff into both Swahili and Iraqw, which is the largest tribe in this area.
Laying the groundwork
We wrote concept papers for both TAPP (TZ Agriculture Productivity Program) and TAHA (TZ Horticulture Association) outlining what we would like them to do. We also developed questions for Anna, the Hadzabe teacher that we videotaped on Sunday. This will be used to create a summary of the issues in the Hadzabe and Datoga tribes to present to possible funders. The NGO we met with twice in CA and who twice visited our program last year will be stopping again next week. They have been very impressed with what is happening here and hopefully will help fund income generating activities and education for WellShare.
Market day drama
On Friday, we went with the drama troop to market day in the village of Endobash. Each area here has market on a different day, always the same date of the month. In that way vendors can make the rounds of all the markets.
There have been some issues in this area with domestic violence, so Jolene asked the drama troop to put together a new skit about the problem. They started in the food area of the market with a dispute between a man, his wife and his girlfriend. As they argued with each other they moved through the market and attracted a huge crowd that was following and hollering comments. They led the crowd to the performance area where it finally became obvious to the crowd that his was a staged drama. A policeman recruited to participate finally “arrested” the man. The crowd was large, with audience participation about the issue. There was also a skit about a man with multiple wives and children, and the conflict this generated. The performances are interspersed with dance, drumming and singing, making the whole event entertaining as well as informative. Although most of the discussion was about the misbehavior of husbands/boyfriends, the men stayed around. It was a long and very successful performance
Hadzabe/Datoga meeting
Sunday was another amazing meeting with the Hadzabe (the last hunter-gatherers in East Africa) and Datoga (pastoralists). At the end of our trip last year we were able to witness a moving meeting. Both tribes previously denied they needed help when WellShare first started their project; now they are asking for help with health care and education. (Please see last year’s entry for information about these tribes.)
They formed the Datoga/Hadzabe Association (DAHA) through which they could organize and learn how to influence government to provide the services they need, save money and develop the resources to solve some of their problems. The Hadzabe don’t have a cash economy and in the past couldn’t financially contribute to the group. This year there is a new sign saying that tourists who visited these tribes, many to experience the lifestyle of the Hadzabe, needed to contribute $5 each to the village fund. This will provide cash for the association.
Last year we learned that the tribes got paid very little from the tourists, who were paying guides high fees to visit them. Some guides would ask the Hadzabe to provide “cultural” experiences, make drinks from their honey, or even to have their children run around naked, to look more “primitive”. Then, the guides would say the tourists didn’t have any money to pay! The organization has now decided to only work with guides that don’t exploit them.
It was clear at this meeting that these people have found their voices. The agenda involved electing representatives from each tribe to an executive council, with leadership training provided by WellShare. When the nominations began and a couple of Datoga men were recommended, the Hadzabe participant who clearly was viewed as a leader said no, they would not allow it because these men were liars! Talk about frank political dialogue! Next, they were to elect an adviser to be the accountant. A Datoga was selected, but the Hadzabe said they would not participate if they didn’t also have a representative. This was quite amazing since the Hadzabe tend to be a quiet people. It was wonderful to see democracy in action. We feel so lucky to be a part of these momentous events that will shape these tribes for years to come and hopefully ensure their survival.
Then Silvery from WellShare presented information about the moringa tree to the tribes. Many were familiar with it for medicines, but had no knowledge of its nutritional value or water clarification qualities. They are very eager to get training and seedlings.
After the meeting Jolene and Silvery asked each tribe about domestic violence; if it is okay to strike a child or wife, etc. It was very interesting how the different tribes dealt with a drunken, abusive husband and under what circumstances a woman had a right to leave or when it was okay to strike a child.
Once our meetings were finished it was time to buy their crafts - lots of jewelry, bows and arrows, and gourds. We were swarmed! This was obviously an important meeting, many of the Datoga women dressed in beautiful beaded leather dresses.
Making Connections
As we left, the leader of the group told me he was so grateful for our efforts to bring more resources to the area. I told him we could not guarantee results but we would do our best. And on Monday that process began! We met with Dorothy from TAPP, who already has a successful moringa project. We were delighted to find out that she was very interested in providing the training and supplies to get small holder farmers in our area involved with moringa and vegetable cultivation for their own nutrition and for export. In our proposal we suggested seven villages and two schools as a start. We are very hopeful that this can move quickly and take advantage of the coming rainy season. TAPP also does drip irrigation and water catchment systems, which would also be wonderful, especially for the schools.
We are now working on editing videotaped interviews as part of the presentation to our NGO visitors when they visit next week.
We spent time this week putting together a slide show on the moringa tree for presentation to people in the villages. This will be translated by staff into both Swahili and Iraqw, which is the largest tribe in this area.
Laying the groundwork
We wrote concept papers for both TAPP (TZ Agriculture Productivity Program) and TAHA (TZ Horticulture Association) outlining what we would like them to do. We also developed questions for Anna, the Hadzabe teacher that we videotaped on Sunday. This will be used to create a summary of the issues in the Hadzabe and Datoga tribes to present to possible funders. The NGO we met with twice in CA and who twice visited our program last year will be stopping again next week. They have been very impressed with what is happening here and hopefully will help fund income generating activities and education for WellShare.
Market day drama
On Friday, we went with the drama troop to market day in the village of Endobash. Each area here has market on a different day, always the same date of the month. In that way vendors can make the rounds of all the markets.
There have been some issues in this area with domestic violence, so Jolene asked the drama troop to put together a new skit about the problem. They started in the food area of the market with a dispute between a man, his wife and his girlfriend. As they argued with each other they moved through the market and attracted a huge crowd that was following and hollering comments. They led the crowd to the performance area where it finally became obvious to the crowd that his was a staged drama. A policeman recruited to participate finally “arrested” the man. The crowd was large, with audience participation about the issue. There was also a skit about a man with multiple wives and children, and the conflict this generated. The performances are interspersed with dance, drumming and singing, making the whole event entertaining as well as informative. Although most of the discussion was about the misbehavior of husbands/boyfriends, the men stayed around. It was a long and very successful performance
Hadzabe/Datoga meeting
Sunday was another amazing meeting with the Hadzabe (the last hunter-gatherers in East Africa) and Datoga (pastoralists). At the end of our trip last year we were able to witness a moving meeting. Both tribes previously denied they needed help when WellShare first started their project; now they are asking for help with health care and education. (Please see last year’s entry for information about these tribes.)
They formed the Datoga/Hadzabe Association (DAHA) through which they could organize and learn how to influence government to provide the services they need, save money and develop the resources to solve some of their problems. The Hadzabe don’t have a cash economy and in the past couldn’t financially contribute to the group. This year there is a new sign saying that tourists who visited these tribes, many to experience the lifestyle of the Hadzabe, needed to contribute $5 each to the village fund. This will provide cash for the association.
Last year we learned that the tribes got paid very little from the tourists, who were paying guides high fees to visit them. Some guides would ask the Hadzabe to provide “cultural” experiences, make drinks from their honey, or even to have their children run around naked, to look more “primitive”. Then, the guides would say the tourists didn’t have any money to pay! The organization has now decided to only work with guides that don’t exploit them.
It was clear at this meeting that these people have found their voices. The agenda involved electing representatives from each tribe to an executive council, with leadership training provided by WellShare. When the nominations began and a couple of Datoga men were recommended, the Hadzabe participant who clearly was viewed as a leader said no, they would not allow it because these men were liars! Talk about frank political dialogue! Next, they were to elect an adviser to be the accountant. A Datoga was selected, but the Hadzabe said they would not participate if they didn’t also have a representative. This was quite amazing since the Hadzabe tend to be a quiet people. It was wonderful to see democracy in action. We feel so lucky to be a part of these momentous events that will shape these tribes for years to come and hopefully ensure their survival.
Then Silvery from WellShare presented information about the moringa tree to the tribes. Many were familiar with it for medicines, but had no knowledge of its nutritional value or water clarification qualities. They are very eager to get training and seedlings.
After the meeting Jolene and Silvery asked each tribe about domestic violence; if it is okay to strike a child or wife, etc. It was very interesting how the different tribes dealt with a drunken, abusive husband and under what circumstances a woman had a right to leave or when it was okay to strike a child.
Once our meetings were finished it was time to buy their crafts - lots of jewelry, bows and arrows, and gourds. We were swarmed! This was obviously an important meeting, many of the Datoga women dressed in beautiful beaded leather dresses.
Making Connections
As we left, the leader of the group told me he was so grateful for our efforts to bring more resources to the area. I told him we could not guarantee results but we would do our best. And on Monday that process began! We met with Dorothy from TAPP, who already has a successful moringa project. We were delighted to find out that she was very interested in providing the training and supplies to get small holder farmers in our area involved with moringa and vegetable cultivation for their own nutrition and for export. In our proposal we suggested seven villages and two schools as a start. We are very hopeful that this can move quickly and take advantage of the coming rainy season. TAPP also does drip irrigation and water catchment systems, which would also be wonderful, especially for the schools.
We are now working on editing videotaped interviews as part of the presentation to our NGO visitors when they visit next week.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
New Connections
We have had another eventful week! We continued our work with Moringa trees; they are drought resistant, with very nutritious foliage and seeds. A road trip to Arusha, about two hours east of Karatu and the main city in the northern part of Tanzania, proved very worthwhile.
We met one Tanzanian who teaches farmers to grow the trees, then buys the leaves and seeds from them for processing and export. He makes cooking and massage oil from the seeds, ground leaf powder and ground seed powder as a nutritional additives and for natural healing. The seed cake that remains is sold for water purification and animal fodder. The organization has been recognized by the president of Tanzania. It is exciting to see someone who is not just exporting raw materials, which happens too often here, but is processing and then exporting. The country needs a lot more of this.
Next, we tried to find a woman who initiated a program of moringa growing for HIV women. The phone number we had wasn’t correct and we received no response to email. So we tried to track her down, which is always a challenge in a city where there are few street names and all directions are by landmarks (similar in some ways to Japan.) In the process we found the office for TAHA, Tanzanian Horticulture Association. They are like a farmer’s cooperative, a Tanzanian organization partially funded by USAID. Part of their focus is training small farmers on agricultural methods, how to work together, and finding ways to market what the farmers grow. TAHA members also include medium and large farmers along with suppliers.
They expressed real interest in coming out to work with the groups in our neediest area, and we are meeting again next week to better define how we can work together. This training might be free; we also need a long-term commitment so that the program builds local self-sustaining operations. So this was our second exciting meeting.
From TAHA we found out where the organization we were originally looking for is located. However, the woman we wanted to meet with had just had surgery, which may have explained why she didn’t answer her personal phone either. We are meeting with her next week; the organization already has a robust Moringa project and could be an even better fit for our goals. Up to now we have identified five potential partners for this project, organizations with the expertise and resources we need. Hopefully next week we can firm up which organization(s) will be the best fit.
On the Road
We had a little adventure on our way home - a flat tire. This was a bit ironic because we were on the only paved road in our area, a beautiful stretch of highway installed by the Japanese government a few years ago. All the other roads are dirt; most eroded from rain. Fortunately, a tour driver stopped to help as Rick was struggling with the jack, which didn’t have enough lift to replace the tire. Then a lorry stopped. The driver was from Bassodawish and recognized our car. Because of WellShare’s excellent reputation in his village he wanted to help. He had a huge jack and made it easy work.
On the same road we passed a bus flipped on its side on the curvy road coming out of the Rift Valley. Although there are new speed bumps every year, people still drive too fast and recklessly. While we were changing the tire (on the traffic side of the road, of course!) the tour driver would warn everyone to get well back whenever a lorry or large bus came by. He clearly didn’t trust those drivers!
For several days the dust was tremendous. It is always hot in Arusha (the closest city to Karatu), but the dust was particularly bad this trip. As we drove back through the Rift Valley we could see clouds of it moving against the distant mountains. Where does all the top soil land?
The TAHA people have decided that the short rainy season in Nov.-Dec. is history. The past two years there have been about two weeks of rain in Jan. and then nothing until March. There has been no short rainy season in 8 of the last 9 years, so it makes sense to assume that this climate change is permanent. This brings to mind additional benefits of the moringa trees; they are drought resistant and of course they could help prevent soil erosion.
We met one Tanzanian who teaches farmers to grow the trees, then buys the leaves and seeds from them for processing and export. He makes cooking and massage oil from the seeds, ground leaf powder and ground seed powder as a nutritional additives and for natural healing. The seed cake that remains is sold for water purification and animal fodder. The organization has been recognized by the president of Tanzania. It is exciting to see someone who is not just exporting raw materials, which happens too often here, but is processing and then exporting. The country needs a lot more of this.
Next, we tried to find a woman who initiated a program of moringa growing for HIV women. The phone number we had wasn’t correct and we received no response to email. So we tried to track her down, which is always a challenge in a city where there are few street names and all directions are by landmarks (similar in some ways to Japan.) In the process we found the office for TAHA, Tanzanian Horticulture Association. They are like a farmer’s cooperative, a Tanzanian organization partially funded by USAID. Part of their focus is training small farmers on agricultural methods, how to work together, and finding ways to market what the farmers grow. TAHA members also include medium and large farmers along with suppliers.
They expressed real interest in coming out to work with the groups in our neediest area, and we are meeting again next week to better define how we can work together. This training might be free; we also need a long-term commitment so that the program builds local self-sustaining operations. So this was our second exciting meeting.
From TAHA we found out where the organization we were originally looking for is located. However, the woman we wanted to meet with had just had surgery, which may have explained why she didn’t answer her personal phone either. We are meeting with her next week; the organization already has a robust Moringa project and could be an even better fit for our goals. Up to now we have identified five potential partners for this project, organizations with the expertise and resources we need. Hopefully next week we can firm up which organization(s) will be the best fit.
On the Road
We had a little adventure on our way home - a flat tire. This was a bit ironic because we were on the only paved road in our area, a beautiful stretch of highway installed by the Japanese government a few years ago. All the other roads are dirt; most eroded from rain. Fortunately, a tour driver stopped to help as Rick was struggling with the jack, which didn’t have enough lift to replace the tire. Then a lorry stopped. The driver was from Bassodawish and recognized our car. Because of WellShare’s excellent reputation in his village he wanted to help. He had a huge jack and made it easy work.
On the same road we passed a bus flipped on its side on the curvy road coming out of the Rift Valley. Although there are new speed bumps every year, people still drive too fast and recklessly. While we were changing the tire (on the traffic side of the road, of course!) the tour driver would warn everyone to get well back whenever a lorry or large bus came by. He clearly didn’t trust those drivers!
For several days the dust was tremendous. It is always hot in Arusha (the closest city to Karatu), but the dust was particularly bad this trip. As we drove back through the Rift Valley we could see clouds of it moving against the distant mountains. Where does all the top soil land?
The TAHA people have decided that the short rainy season in Nov.-Dec. is history. The past two years there have been about two weeks of rain in Jan. and then nothing until March. There has been no short rainy season in 8 of the last 9 years, so it makes sense to assume that this climate change is permanent. This brings to mind additional benefits of the moringa trees; they are drought resistant and of course they could help prevent soil erosion.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Moringa trees
Life is very comfortable and simple for us here in Karatu, Tanzania. Some of you have expressed concern about our personal safety, given the news from some places in Africa. We feel no sense of danger here; even the wild animals are in the distance! Tanzania isn’t prone to the same political, military or personal violence that makes headlines in the U.S.
There are two houses, one for Jolene, the country director, and the other for volunteers. A wall surrounds the property. This keeps down the number of people stopping to ask for money, and petty thieves. At night there is an unarmed guard, and Jolene has a couple of dogs.
We can walk anywhere, with nothing worse than children occasionally asking for pens or money. Sometimes kids who might be in secondary school will practice their English, and that is fun. At night we do limit the area in which we walk, but during the day we feel perfectly comfortable taking long walks, exploring the town and area.
The volunteer house has three bedrooms and two bathrooms, one western and one eastern. There is a modest kitchen without a refrigerator, but we use space in Jolene’s. We shop in local stores that are quite small but packed with goods, or go to the market for fruits and vegetables. Since we there isn’t a lot of variety here, we brought along provisions and spices to fill in some gaps.
Our office is about ¼ mile away, an easy walk. We are busy during the day, come home for lunch and have the evenings free. In addition to the books and Kindle we brought, Jolene has a wide variety of books and movies at her house, and past volunteers have left supplies of the same. It is a very simple and very relaxing way to live.
We currently have a housemate who is volunteering with another organization, and in February there will be two more volunteers for WellShare. That can make organizing cooking time and other activities interesting, but we’ve done it before.
The simplicity of living here reminds us of a TED presentation we saw on the internet about the problem with too many choices in our American society. There are so many opportunities, so much we can purchase, so many TV stations, that our lives can become far too complex. Unless we can find the right balance, the richness of our environment can make us miserable.
Here, those aren’t the problems, and for us that makes life very comfortable. However, outside our protected environment, it can mean something else. For example, agriculture is the dominant way of life (even though we are in a town of about 15,000 people, cows or goats frequently are grazing outside our office window). Farmers depend on a short rainy season (November and December), and a long one (March to May). As with farming the world over, when the rains don’t come as expected, it can be terrible for the farmers. In eight of the last nine years the short rains haven’t come, and the long rains have been unpredictable.
For subsistence farmers, this can lead to terrible challenges. Resources are limited, but people are resourceful; they have to be or they wouldn’t survive. Last year when we were here the government was distributing seeds because of the terrible drought the year before, but the supply wasn’t enough to plant a typical field.
And yet, we aren’t surrounded by a sense of gloom and doom. The people are wonderful, warm and welcoming. The staff we work with is great, and villagers we visit are enjoyable to be with. For example, we were in Basodawish today. This is a village that has been adopted by our friend Welcome and her group in the U.S. The village leaders were there to greet us, and gave us a two hour tour of the projects they are working on to improve their village. In every village we visit kids come to see us, laughing and smiling.
Of course, there are huge challenges. At independence in 1961, Tanzania had very few college graduates. In spite of the effort to develop teachers, doctors and so on, it is still difficult to find enough professionals to serve these rural locations. It is similar to what the U.S. faced in the past, and to some extent still does when it comes to doctors in rural areas.
How do they educate children without enough teachers, with a shortage of textbooks, without electricity or reasonable access to the internet? These problems aren’t unique to Tanzania, and these wonderful people are working hard to address them, step by step. Basodawish is a shining example.
We have a guess as to why it doesn’t feel oppressive in comparison to our lives back home. Here, as in many areas we have visited in the developing world, lives are relatively equitable. There are some who are better educated, live in much nicer homes, have cars and can send kids to private schools. But there isn’t the stark contrast between the ultra rich and everyone else that there is in, for example big cities. Or, in places where there are tourists staying in the pampered isolation of very expensive hotels, with most the citizens living a hard-scrabble existence. Karatu is in the heart of safari country and luxury places exist here, they just aren’t as visible as other places we have visited.
We don’t in any way mean to diminish the challenges many face here. Or, for that matter, can we ignore people in many places who face starvation, or the violence of war, sexual exploitation and economic slavery. It is just that our experiences have been surrounded with warm, kind people that make our time here very rewarding.
The past week, was very interesting, and we think, productive. We worked hard on the concept papers mentioned in our last blog entry, which will be used to try attracting financing for two projects. For some background on one, you might find it interesting to visit, and type “Hadzabe” in the subject box. We are hoping to get funds to put together several programs for them and the neighboring Datoga tribe. These projects are based on requests coming from their communities because they recognize the inevitable changes they face.
In addition, we spent some time investigating the possibilities of villagers growing moringa trees (actually moringa oleifera; we know that information is important information to you). They are drought resistant, with very nutritious foliage and seeds. Moringa are high in protein and a range of vitamins and minerals. They grow quickly and also can provide natural fencing and firewood. Many see them as a solution to malnutrition. They are grown and used extensively in Asia. Nearly every part of the tree is useful, including for medicinal purposes and water purification and thus have the moniker “the miracle tree.”
One possibility is to have moringa planted as an additional crop. This could provide animal fodder, especially during the dry season. In other places in Tanzania and the world, people eat the leaves, flowers and seeds, either fresh or dried. The possibilities are very attractive, and we expect to visit a commercial site soon and hopefully meet with someone at the university in Dar es Salaam who is doing research on the plant.
We hope all of you are well.
Rick and Sharon
There are two houses, one for Jolene, the country director, and the other for volunteers. A wall surrounds the property. This keeps down the number of people stopping to ask for money, and petty thieves. At night there is an unarmed guard, and Jolene has a couple of dogs.
We can walk anywhere, with nothing worse than children occasionally asking for pens or money. Sometimes kids who might be in secondary school will practice their English, and that is fun. At night we do limit the area in which we walk, but during the day we feel perfectly comfortable taking long walks, exploring the town and area.
The volunteer house has three bedrooms and two bathrooms, one western and one eastern. There is a modest kitchen without a refrigerator, but we use space in Jolene’s. We shop in local stores that are quite small but packed with goods, or go to the market for fruits and vegetables. Since we there isn’t a lot of variety here, we brought along provisions and spices to fill in some gaps.
Our office is about ¼ mile away, an easy walk. We are busy during the day, come home for lunch and have the evenings free. In addition to the books and Kindle we brought, Jolene has a wide variety of books and movies at her house, and past volunteers have left supplies of the same. It is a very simple and very relaxing way to live.
We currently have a housemate who is volunteering with another organization, and in February there will be two more volunteers for WellShare. That can make organizing cooking time and other activities interesting, but we’ve done it before.
The simplicity of living here reminds us of a TED presentation we saw on the internet about the problem with too many choices in our American society. There are so many opportunities, so much we can purchase, so many TV stations, that our lives can become far too complex. Unless we can find the right balance, the richness of our environment can make us miserable.
Here, those aren’t the problems, and for us that makes life very comfortable. However, outside our protected environment, it can mean something else. For example, agriculture is the dominant way of life (even though we are in a town of about 15,000 people, cows or goats frequently are grazing outside our office window). Farmers depend on a short rainy season (November and December), and a long one (March to May). As with farming the world over, when the rains don’t come as expected, it can be terrible for the farmers. In eight of the last nine years the short rains haven’t come, and the long rains have been unpredictable.
For subsistence farmers, this can lead to terrible challenges. Resources are limited, but people are resourceful; they have to be or they wouldn’t survive. Last year when we were here the government was distributing seeds because of the terrible drought the year before, but the supply wasn’t enough to plant a typical field.
And yet, we aren’t surrounded by a sense of gloom and doom. The people are wonderful, warm and welcoming. The staff we work with is great, and villagers we visit are enjoyable to be with. For example, we were in Basodawish today. This is a village that has been adopted by our friend Welcome and her group in the U.S. The village leaders were there to greet us, and gave us a two hour tour of the projects they are working on to improve their village. In every village we visit kids come to see us, laughing and smiling.
Of course, there are huge challenges. At independence in 1961, Tanzania had very few college graduates. In spite of the effort to develop teachers, doctors and so on, it is still difficult to find enough professionals to serve these rural locations. It is similar to what the U.S. faced in the past, and to some extent still does when it comes to doctors in rural areas.
How do they educate children without enough teachers, with a shortage of textbooks, without electricity or reasonable access to the internet? These problems aren’t unique to Tanzania, and these wonderful people are working hard to address them, step by step. Basodawish is a shining example.
We have a guess as to why it doesn’t feel oppressive in comparison to our lives back home. Here, as in many areas we have visited in the developing world, lives are relatively equitable. There are some who are better educated, live in much nicer homes, have cars and can send kids to private schools. But there isn’t the stark contrast between the ultra rich and everyone else that there is in, for example big cities. Or, in places where there are tourists staying in the pampered isolation of very expensive hotels, with most the citizens living a hard-scrabble existence. Karatu is in the heart of safari country and luxury places exist here, they just aren’t as visible as other places we have visited.
We don’t in any way mean to diminish the challenges many face here. Or, for that matter, can we ignore people in many places who face starvation, or the violence of war, sexual exploitation and economic slavery. It is just that our experiences have been surrounded with warm, kind people that make our time here very rewarding.
The past week, was very interesting, and we think, productive. We worked hard on the concept papers mentioned in our last blog entry, which will be used to try attracting financing for two projects. For some background on one, you might find it interesting to visit, and type “Hadzabe” in the subject box. We are hoping to get funds to put together several programs for them and the neighboring Datoga tribe. These projects are based on requests coming from their communities because they recognize the inevitable changes they face.
In addition, we spent some time investigating the possibilities of villagers growing moringa trees (actually moringa oleifera; we know that information is important information to you). They are drought resistant, with very nutritious foliage and seeds. Moringa are high in protein and a range of vitamins and minerals. They grow quickly and also can provide natural fencing and firewood. Many see them as a solution to malnutrition. They are grown and used extensively in Asia. Nearly every part of the tree is useful, including for medicinal purposes and water purification and thus have the moniker “the miracle tree.”
One possibility is to have moringa planted as an additional crop. This could provide animal fodder, especially during the dry season. In other places in Tanzania and the world, people eat the leaves, flowers and seeds, either fresh or dried. The possibilities are very attractive, and we expect to visit a commercial site soon and hopefully meet with someone at the university in Dar es Salaam who is doing research on the plant.
We hope all of you are well.
Rick and Sharon
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Back in Tanzania
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Hamjambo familia na marafiki, (Hello family and friends),
We received a wonderful welcome when we arrived; lots of smiles, hugs and “karibu tena”s (welcome again). It is so wonderful to be here in our second home with this welcoming, warm group of people.
Our first few days here have been very exciting! WellShare received an exciting email that day from an organization in California that we visited in ’09 and again last December. Our goal was to establish a partnership with them, to help fund and expand some of the income generation projects we have been working on.
The Executive Director, Project Manager and board members are going to be in Tanzania in February and would like to come to Karatu to see more of the project. Organization members visited twice last year. When we visited them in December they indicated they would not be coming to Karatu and might not even have time to meet us when they were in Arusha, so clearly something has changed. In addition, they invited us to present a concept paper to them for possible funding of STG (Survive and Thrive) groups’ income generating projects. These are the groups of young single mothers who are receiving health education. Our role has been to help them identify and begin income generating projects. We are very excited with their growing interest in WellShare’s work here and look forward to showing them how incredibly effective this program has become.
In addition, we want to present a second concept paper to them. Last year we attended (and blogged about) a fascinating meeting with two tribes, Datoga and Hadzabe. Their respective ways of life can create conflict. The Datoga are pastoralists, similar to Maasai. Hadzabe are the last full time hunter-gatherer tribe in Africa, with estimates of their population ranging from 500 to perhaps 3,000; no one really knows, in part because of their wandering ways. As pastoralists like the Datoga, and agriculturalists expand, the Hadzabe are losing areas they can forage and hunt.
The meeting exposed the problems that the two tribes face. They need outside help for public health education, health service delivery, and education. For the Hadzabe, who are beginning to recognize their way of life is coming to an end and who don’t have a cash economy, education has been particularly difficult. They need help with school uniforms, shoes, and trying to develop a school to meet their special needs.
WellShare has already made an impact with their public health programs, but more needs to be done. We have in mind a comprehensive program that would be based on the Hadzabe’s requests, adding more public health and health care, financial literacy (a surprising number of tourists go to live with them for short periods to experience their way of life), improving their income so they can contribute to solutions, help to educate both children and adults, and developing agricultural alternatives if they are interested. In addition, their hope is to develop a cultural center, which could attract more tourists and allow them to continue at least parts of their way of life. All the while the programs have to be designed to eventually become self sustaining without outside organizational support.
Elsewhere in the district, the micro savings groups that were set up as a result of our efforts last year are going very well. The women have managed to save much more than we expected, and have moved into developing profitable businesses. The groups have thanked WellShare for providing this important education and empowerment program for them. We hope the organization WellShare is partnering with will get continuing funding so we can expand to more villages this year.
The weather here started very differently from prior years. The short rainy season in Nov. and Dec. has not occurred, but there has been lots of rain this month. It rained about three times a 24 hour period since we have been here, often a deluge. We are told it is more rain than the rainy season usually produces. Of course the famous Karatu mud has been a challenge. Rick nearly slipped twice and driving is just like being on icy Minnesota roads. But the dust is down! The last two days have been glorious. As in the past the temperature ranges between the high 60s F and about 80 F, with low humidity (we just had to rub it in for all of you in the northern U.S!).
We went to the market Saturday. While buying vegetables, a tall Maasai standing next to me started a conversation. He introduced himself as Alan and told me he was Maasai which I told him was obvious (from his attire). He said he was born in Ngorongoro Crater and now lives on the rim. (The government allows them to herd in the crater but they can no longer live there.) He asked where we were from, why we were here and for how long. His English was excellent and we asked where he had learned it. He had finished high school and was hoping to go to University when he had the money. The Maasai are very wealthy in cattle, but they will not sell them for any reason. He looked to be well off but would have to find the cash for school. He was quite a bit older than college age, but it is very common here for people to leave school to work and then return, sometimes repeatedly. So some of the Maasai too are changing, getting educations, but preserving their dress and culture. The dress of women in Karatu has also changed over time. We saw few women in pants our first year, but it is becoming more common.
We look forward to getting out to the villages again next week.
Kwa heri sasa (goodbye for now).
Sharon and Rick
Hamjambo familia na marafiki, (Hello family and friends),
We received a wonderful welcome when we arrived; lots of smiles, hugs and “karibu tena”s (welcome again). It is so wonderful to be here in our second home with this welcoming, warm group of people.
Our first few days here have been very exciting! WellShare received an exciting email that day from an organization in California that we visited in ’09 and again last December. Our goal was to establish a partnership with them, to help fund and expand some of the income generation projects we have been working on.
The Executive Director, Project Manager and board members are going to be in Tanzania in February and would like to come to Karatu to see more of the project. Organization members visited twice last year. When we visited them in December they indicated they would not be coming to Karatu and might not even have time to meet us when they were in Arusha, so clearly something has changed. In addition, they invited us to present a concept paper to them for possible funding of STG (Survive and Thrive) groups’ income generating projects. These are the groups of young single mothers who are receiving health education. Our role has been to help them identify and begin income generating projects. We are very excited with their growing interest in WellShare’s work here and look forward to showing them how incredibly effective this program has become.
In addition, we want to present a second concept paper to them. Last year we attended (and blogged about) a fascinating meeting with two tribes, Datoga and Hadzabe. Their respective ways of life can create conflict. The Datoga are pastoralists, similar to Maasai. Hadzabe are the last full time hunter-gatherer tribe in Africa, with estimates of their population ranging from 500 to perhaps 3,000; no one really knows, in part because of their wandering ways. As pastoralists like the Datoga, and agriculturalists expand, the Hadzabe are losing areas they can forage and hunt.
The meeting exposed the problems that the two tribes face. They need outside help for public health education, health service delivery, and education. For the Hadzabe, who are beginning to recognize their way of life is coming to an end and who don’t have a cash economy, education has been particularly difficult. They need help with school uniforms, shoes, and trying to develop a school to meet their special needs.
WellShare has already made an impact with their public health programs, but more needs to be done. We have in mind a comprehensive program that would be based on the Hadzabe’s requests, adding more public health and health care, financial literacy (a surprising number of tourists go to live with them for short periods to experience their way of life), improving their income so they can contribute to solutions, help to educate both children and adults, and developing agricultural alternatives if they are interested. In addition, their hope is to develop a cultural center, which could attract more tourists and allow them to continue at least parts of their way of life. All the while the programs have to be designed to eventually become self sustaining without outside organizational support.
Elsewhere in the district, the micro savings groups that were set up as a result of our efforts last year are going very well. The women have managed to save much more than we expected, and have moved into developing profitable businesses. The groups have thanked WellShare for providing this important education and empowerment program for them. We hope the organization WellShare is partnering with will get continuing funding so we can expand to more villages this year.
The weather here started very differently from prior years. The short rainy season in Nov. and Dec. has not occurred, but there has been lots of rain this month. It rained about three times a 24 hour period since we have been here, often a deluge. We are told it is more rain than the rainy season usually produces. Of course the famous Karatu mud has been a challenge. Rick nearly slipped twice and driving is just like being on icy Minnesota roads. But the dust is down! The last two days have been glorious. As in the past the temperature ranges between the high 60s F and about 80 F, with low humidity (we just had to rub it in for all of you in the northern U.S!).
We went to the market Saturday. While buying vegetables, a tall Maasai standing next to me started a conversation. He introduced himself as Alan and told me he was Maasai which I told him was obvious (from his attire). He said he was born in Ngorongoro Crater and now lives on the rim. (The government allows them to herd in the crater but they can no longer live there.) He asked where we were from, why we were here and for how long. His English was excellent and we asked where he had learned it. He had finished high school and was hoping to go to University when he had the money. The Maasai are very wealthy in cattle, but they will not sell them for any reason. He looked to be well off but would have to find the cash for school. He was quite a bit older than college age, but it is very common here for people to leave school to work and then return, sometimes repeatedly. So some of the Maasai too are changing, getting educations, but preserving their dress and culture. The dress of women in Karatu has also changed over time. We saw few women in pants our first year, but it is becoming more common.
We look forward to getting out to the villages again next week.
Kwa heri sasa (goodbye for now).
Sharon and Rick
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